Archbishop of Turku and Finland

Archbishop Tapio Luoma

‘I have reflected much on what it means to hold the office of Archbishop. Where will my term of office take me and where will our Church’s journey take it? Amidst my anxiety it has been especially good to hear voices that have encouraged me to be myself. In that encouragement I have heard the message of Jesus: do not forfeit your soul. I am most grateful for this encouragement and reminder.’

Return to the beginning

Fresco in Turku Cathedral. Robert Wilhelm Ekman. Photo by Aarne Ormio. Archbishop Tapio Luoma’s Christmas Letter 2024

The beginning is important. All that follows is built on it.

We celebrate Christmas because it marks a beginning. Christmas is year zero. It also begins the series of events that laid the foundation for the Christian faith and all the ways of thinking, buildings and symbols that express it.

At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Christmas is a unique moment in the history of the world, when the alm...

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